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Check out some activities.

Warm Ups

Get students ready for their ESL class with a great Warm Up!


Game Introduction: The way I play this game is a little different from the standard battleships game. Set up the table as shown in the example. Instead of having letters and numbers, for example, ‘B-7’, have the first half and the second half of the sentence structure...

Battleships – Dates

Battleships game to practice ‘be going to’ to describe future plans.

Battleships – Future Tense

Battleships game to practice ‘be going to’ to describe future plans.

Battleships – Likes and Dislikes

Battleships game to practice asking about likes and dislikes.

Battleships – Present Continuous

Battleships game to practice the present continuous tense.


Brainstorming can be great fun and a great way to start your class. I usually use it for review at the beginning of class in order to prime some language for the day's language target. Example: Language target: Describing the location of objects in a room. The main...


Pictionary: Draw upon the artist within Rules:         Another highly popular game all around the world.  Have a set of vocabulary that you wish to review then have individuals or team members come to the board. These students then draw their image of the word and the...


Crossword Puzzles: Perfect for vocabulary review Rules: Choose vocabulary that you want to review. This will usually be based on a theme - for example, Halloween, weather, feelings, etc. You can also use your hints to focus on a particular language target. For...

Crossword – Weather

Crossword game to review weather vocabulary.