

Interviews can be great fun and a great way to give students some freedom with the language and an opportunity for some ‘+1’s.


This type of activity can be applied to many different targets. Any time your target language involves a Q&A-style dialogue exchange, you are opening yourself to an interview-style activity.  E.g. ‘SWBAT: make present perfect sentences with regards to life experiences.’  i.e. “Have you ever…?”  this target can be transferred to an interview sheet and students can Q&A away.


Stretch those creative muscles to find new and interesting ways of approaching this idea. The basic Q&A in pairs can get a little boring.  Other ideas could include…

  • Get the students to walk around and ask different people.
  • Try to see if students can first guess the answers then ask their partners.
  • See if students can find two students with the same answers as themselves.
  • Add some kind of scoring system to the above two ideas.

Anything you can do to add some fun and competition will usually go down well.